Help Center/ ModelArts/ Service Overview/ Security/ Identity Authentication and Access Control
Updated on 2022-12-08 GMT+08:00

Identity Authentication and Access Control

Identity Authentication

You can use ModelArts services through the console, APIs, or SDKs. Essentially, access requests are sent through ModelArts REST APIs.

ModelArts APIs can be accessed upon successful authentication. Requests sent through the console can be authenticated using tokens, and requests for calling APIs can be authenticated using tokens or AK/SK. For details, see Authentication.

Access Control

ModelArts allows you to configure fine-grained permissions for refined management of resources and permissions. To do so, ModelArts provides IAM permission control, agency authorization, and workspace.

  • IAM permission control

    To use ModelArts functions, you need to grant permissions through IAM. For example, if you need to create a training job on ModelArts, you must have the modelarts:trainJob:create permission.

    If no fine-grained authorization policy is configured for a user created by the administrator, the user has all permissions of ModelArts by default. To control user permissions, the administrator needs to add the user to a user group on IAM and configure fine-grained authorization policies for the user group. In this way, the user obtains the permissions defined in the policies before performing operations on cloud service resources. During policy-based authorization, the administrator can select the authorization scope based on ModelArts resource types. For details about resource permissions, see Permissions Policies and Supported Actions.

  • Agency authorization

    ModelArts needs to access other services for AI computing. For example, ModelArts needs to access OBS to read your data for training. For security purposes, ModelArts must be authorized to access other cloud services. This is agency authorization.

    ModelArts does not save your token authentication credentials. Before performing operations on your resources (such as OBS buckets) in a backend job, you are required to explicitly authorize ModelArts through an IAM agency. ModelArts will use the agency to obtain a temporary authentication credential for performing operations on your resources. For details, see Configuring Access Authorization (Global Configuration).

  • Workspace

    Workspace allows customers who have enabled enterprise projects to divide their resources into multiple logically isolated spaces and control access to different spaces.

    After workspace is enabled, a default workspace is created. All resources you have created are in this workspace. A workspace is like a ModelArts twin. You can switch between workspaces in the upper left corner of the navigation pane. Jobs in different workspaces do not affect each other. ModelArts allows you to create multiple workspaces to develop algorithms and manage and deploy models for different service objectives. In this way, the development outputs of different applications are managed in different workspaces for use.

Remote Access Management

When you use a local IDE to remotely access the ModelArts notebook development environment through SSH, the key pair is required for authentication. You can also add the IP addresses for remotely accessing the notebook instance to the whitelist.