Updated on 2023-11-03 GMT+08:00

Edition Differences

Function Modules

You can choose the Intra-city multi-active or Remote multi-active edition and the following Features:

  • MySQL
  • Oracle
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis
  • MongoDB
  • Elasticsearch
  • OpenGauss
  • API

Table 1 lists the details.

Table 1 Function modules



Intra-city multi-active

Deploy your subsystems in the same region and less than 50 km from each other.

  • Service continuity: real-time traffic balancing and fast failover
  • Horizontal scaling: rapid service development
  • Traffic isolation: flexible traffic scheduling
  • Cost effectiveness: higher resource utilization with less redundancy costs

Remote multi-active

Deploy at least one subsystem in a different region and more than 300 km from any other subsystem.

  • Service continuity: cross-region DR and multi-active with doubled system capacity and improved SLA
  • Unified management: same architecture, operations, and multi-active management for the two DCs
  • Switchable workflows: automatic failover and DR with default/custom workflows
  • Enhanced architecture: zone-based management for smaller fault radius

Multi-Active Instances

You can create Platinum MAS instances. They can be deployed intra-city multi-active on Huawei Cloud.