Updated on 2023-07-04 GMT+08:00

Related Services

The relationships between LTS and other services are described in Table 1.

Table 1 Relationships with other services


Related Service

With Cloud Trace Service (CTS), you can record operations associated with LTS for future query, audit, and backtracking.


You can transfer logs to Object Storage Service (OBS) buckets for long-term storage, preventing log loss.


You can transfer logs to Data Ingestion Service (DIS) for long-term storage. DIS can perform offline analysis, and transmit log files to the cloud for backup, query, and machine learning. You can also use it for recovery and fault analysis after data losses or exceptions. In addition, a large number of small text files can be combined and transferred into large files to improve data processing performance.


Application Operations Management (AOM) can collect site access statistics, monitor logs sent from LTS, and generate alarms.


Identity and Access Management (IAM) allows you to grant LTS permissions to IAM users under your account.