Help Center/ Intelligent EdgeFabric/ Service Overview/ Service Instance Editions
Updated on 2023-11-23 GMT+08:00

Service Instance Editions

IEF offers two service instance editions for you to choose.

  • Professional edition: The management plane cluster is shared by multiple users. Professional service instances allow you to manage nodes, devices, containerized applications, batch jobs, and edge-cloud messages.
  • Platinum edition: Users have their own management plane clusters. Platinum service instances allow you to manage large-scale nodes and deliver higher performance. In addition to the functions provided by professional service instances, functions such as node group and application mesh are supported by platinum service instances.

Table 1 lists the differences between the two editions.

Table 1 Functions provided by the two editions



Professional Edition

Platinum Edition

Edge node management

Registers and manages edge nodes.

End device management

Registers end devices and binds an end device to an edge node.

Containerized application management

Delivers containerized applications to an edge node.

Edge-cloud message routing

Provides an edge-cloud message channel and supports edge-cloud message forwarding.

Multi-network access

Supports access to IEF through Internet, VPN, and Direct Connect.

Monitoring and O&M

Supports monitoring and O&M.

Batch job management

Creates and updates containerized applications in batches, and registers and updates edge nodes in batches.

Edge node group

Creates edge node groups. Multiple edge nodes with the same attributes (such as the hardware architecture) can form an edge node group for unified management.



Supports multiple containerized application instances.


Exclusive clusters

Supports exclusive management plane clusters.


Application mesh

Supports service discovery and application traffic governance, such as load balancing.



Supports add-on management.

Kubernetes native API openness

Supports operating Kubernetes clusters of a service instance through kubectl.
