Updated on 2023-11-23 GMT+08:00

Permissions Management

IEF Permissions

IEF does not support fine-grained permission management using Identity and Access Management (IAM). You are advised to log in to IEF using an account. If you need to log in to IEF as an IAM user, assign permissions defined in the Tenant Administrator policy to the IAM user.

  • If your Huawei Cloud account does not need individual IAM users, then you may skip over this chapter.
  • IAM users need to be granted the Tenant Administrator policy. This policy has system administrator permissions and has the operation permissions on all cloud services except IAM.

    To grant IEF permissions to a user, grant the Tenant Administrator permissions to a user group and add the user to the user group so that the user has the corresponding permissions. For details, see Creating a User and Granting Permissions.

Helpful Links

IAM is free of charge. You pay only for the resources in your account. For more information about IAM, see What Is IAM?.