Updated on 2022-06-23 GMT+08:00

Basic Concepts

Edge Node

An edge computing device used to run edge applications, process data, and collaborate with cloud applications securely and conveniently.

Figure 1 Edge node

End Device

End devices can be as small as a sensor or controller or as large as a smart camera or computer numerical control (CNC) machine tool. They can connect to IEF through edge nodes by using the MQTT, Modbus, or OPC UA protocol.

Figure 2 End device

Containerized Application

A functional module that runs on edge nodes. Deploying the required applications builds your own edge computing capabilities.

In the professional edition, a containerized application can have only one instance. In the platinum edition, a containerized application can have multiple instances.

Message Endpoint

Node that sends or receives data. For example, if data is sent from an end device to a cloud service, the end device is the source endpoint and the cloud service is the destination endpoint.

Message Route

A route defines source and destination endpoints and resources. The system forwards messages from the specified source endpoint resource to the specified destination endpoint resource based on the route.


A certificate is a credential for an edge application or end device to access the MQTT broker of an edge node.