Help Center> EventGrid> Service Overview> IAM Projects and Enterprise Projects
Updated on 2023-10-25 GMT+08:00

IAM Projects and Enterprise Projects

IAM Projects

Projects in IAM group and isolate OpenStack resources (compute, storage, and network resources). Resources in your account must be mounted under projects. Each project can be a department or a project team. Multiple projects can be created for an account.

Enterprise Projects

Enterprise projects group and manage multiple resources. The same type of resources in a region can be put into the same enterprise project. Host Security Service (HSS) does not support enterprise projects.

You can classify resources by department or project team and put related resources into the same enterprise project for easy management. Resources can be migrated between enterprise projects.

Differences Between IAM and Enterprise Projects

  • IAM projects group and physically isolate resources in the same region. Resources cannot be transferred between IAM projects, but can only be deleted and then created again.
    Figure 1 IAM projects
  • Enterprise projects group and manage resources across regions. Resources in enterprise projects are logically isolated from each other. An enterprise project can contain resources in multiple regions, and resources can be transferred between enterprise projects. You cannot create projects in IAM after enabling Enterprise Management. In the future, IAM projects will be replaced by enterprise projects, which are more flexible.
    Figure 2 Enterprise projects

    Both IAM and enterprise projects can be managed by one or more user groups. Users who manage enterprise projects belong to certain user groups. By attaching a policy to a user group, users in the group can obtain the permissions defined in the policy in the IAM or enterprise project.

    For details about how to create an IAM or enterprise project and grant permissions, see Enterprise Project Management.