Updated on 2024-05-27 GMT+08:00

Basic Concepts


Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a smart virtual network on the Internet infrastructure. CDN caches origin content on points of presence (PoPs) closer to users, so content can load faster.

DDoS Attack

Common types of DDoS attacks: SYN Flood, ACK Flood, ICMP Flood, UDP Flood, NTP Flood, DNS Flood, and SSDP reflection attacks.

CC Attack

CC (Challenge Collapsar) attack is a type of DDoS attack. In a CC attack, the attacker uses a proxy server to generate and send disguised requests to the target host.

OWASP Threats

Common types of OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) threats: SQL injection, XSS, file inclusion, directory traversal attacks, sensitive file access, command and code injections, web shells, backdoors, and malicious HTTP requests.

BOT Attack

A bot is a software application that is programmed to do certain tasks and is used to automatically execute repetitive tasks. Common BOT attacks include malicious crawlers, vulnerability scanning, DDoS attacks, credential cracking, bonus hunting, and click fraud.

API Protection

API protection: EdgeSec automatically discovers and manages API assets by category, monitors API assets for suspicious operations and abnormal callings, and quickly responds to and intercepts abnormal behaviors.

EdgeSec Acceleration Node

An EdgeSec acceleration node is a network node that has fewest intermediate steps away from end users and has security protection capabilities. Compared with other nodes, edge nodes provide end users with faster response and connection.

Concurrent Requests

The number of concurrent requests refers to the number of requests that the system can process simultaneously. When it comes to a website, concurrent requests refer to the requests from the visitors at the same time.