Updated on 2022-02-24 GMT+08:00

Usage Restrictions and Quotas

Advanced Queue

You can create a maximum of 30 advanced queues in each region.

There are no network access restrictions on advanced queues. If the client is deployed in HUAWEI CLOUD, access a queue using its intranet domain name and port number. If the client is deployed outside of HUAWEI CLOUD, access a queue using its internet domain name and port number. Log in to the DMS console to view the domain names and port numbers of a queue.

If you want to change the default restrictions, see Quotas.

Kafka Premium Instance

You can buy a maximum of 100 Kafka premium instances in each region. The maximum bandwidth of an instance is 1200 MB/s.

An instance runs in a VPC. A client accesses an instance using the subnet IP addresses and port numbers of the instance. Therefore, ensure that the client and instance are in the same VPC and subnet and have correct security group rules. For details, see How to Select and Configure a Security Group? If the client and the instance are in different VPCs, establish a VPC Peering Connection.

If public access has been enabled for the instance, the client can access the instance using the public network IP address and port number of the instance. In this case, there are no restrictions on the VPC but correct security group rules still must be configured for the instance, allowing the port to be accessed through public networks.

If you want to change the default restrictions, see Quotas.