Updated on 2022-02-24 GMT+08:00


DMS is a fully managed, high-performance message queuing service that enables reliable, flexible, and asynchronous communication between distributed applications. It provides standard, FIFO, and advanced queues compatible with HTTP and TCP. DMS enables you to create message queues for transmitting messages among application components. With DMS, application components that send or receive messages do not have to remain available at the same time.

Queue Types and Access Protocols

DMS is compatible with native Kafka queues, enabling you to migrate your message services without any modifications.

  • Multiple queue types

    DMS provides standard, FIFO, and advanced queues.

  • Multi-protocol access

    DMS supports access using HTTP RESTful APIs, the TCP SDK, and the Kafka SDK.

Queue Features

DMS supports auto scaling, queue sharing, and authorization.

  • Auto scaling

    Queue throughput can scale automatically as required. The use of queues is billed by queue throughput.

  • Dead letter queue

    Messages failed to be processed are sent to a dead letter queue for analysis and separated processing.

  • Queue sharing and authorization

    Queues can be shared and authorized between tenants or users created by the same tenant.

Message Features

With just a few clicks, queue throughput can scale to the required level without affecting upper-layer services.

  • Message filtering

    Consumers can use labels to filter the messages they want to retrieve from the chosen queue.

  • Message tracking

    Consumers can specify the time or position at which messages will be retrieved again.

  • Intentional delivery delay

    Messages can be delivered after a specified delay time.

  • Message broadcasting

    The same message can be delivered to all consumers in the same consumer group.

  • Message redelivery

    Messages that will not be immediately retrieved can be delivered back to queues. Consumers can retrieve the messages when they are ready to do so.

High Reliability

DMS features data reliability of up to 99.999999999% and service availability of up to 99.95%.

  • Data reliability

    Data replication and synchronous flushing to disks ensure data reliability of up to 99.99999999%.

  • Service availability

    Clustered and cross-AZ deployments ensure service availability of up to 99.95%.

High Performance

DMS supports massive accumulation of messages, auto scaling of queues, and high concurrency.

  • Massive accumulation

    A single queue can hold hundreds of millions of messages without compromising queue performance.

  • High concurrency

    Queue throughput reaches up to 100,000 concurrent messages per second. Higher concurrency can be achieved simply by adding queues.

  • Low latency

    Message delivery time is accurate to the millisecond.


Operations are traceable and messages are encrypted before being stored.

  • Traceability

    DMS interworks with Cloud Trace Service to record and audit tenant management operations.

  • Message encryption

    Encrypted message storage protects against unauthorized access to messages.