Updated on 2023-10-17 GMT+08:00

Basic Concepts

Regions and AZs

For more information, see Regions and AZs.


A project is a collection of resources and a minimum authorization unit. Users' resources must be mounted to a project. Projects are used to isolate resources between different departments, different projects, or different environments, such as the R&D environment, test environment, and production environment, in the same project.


A workspace enables the administrator to manage user (member) permissions, resources, and underlying compute engines of DLV.

Each team can have an independent workspace.

You can manage workspaces, data connections, screens, combined screens, and applications only after being added to workspaces and assigned permissions.

In workspace management, the administrator can add other users to the workspace and set roles such as administrator, developer, analyst, and visitor preset by DLV for users to implement multi-role collaborative development.

Member and Role

A member is a user who has been granted permission to access or use the workspace created on Huawei Cloud. When adding a workspace member, you need to set a role.

A role has a predefined combination of permissions. Different roles are assigned different permissions. After a role is assigned to a member, the member has all the permissions of that role. Each member must have at least one role, but they can have multiple roles assigned at the same time.

A workspace role can be an administrator, developer, analyst, or visitor.

Data Source

A data source is where data comes from. DLV provides multiple types of data connection: static data, APIs, databases, CSV files, APIG, and OBS.


A component is a basic configurable module used to create a screen. DLV supports the following types of components: regular charts, maps, media, text, relational networks, materials, interaction, and others.


A canvas is an interface editor used to edit components of DLV. On a canvas, you can design page layout and match colors for components and associate data sources with charts. All applications are published only in the canvas.


A layer refers to the precise positioning of a component on a screen. It is similar to a slide that contains elements such as text or graphics and is then combined with other slides in sequence to produce the final effect of a page.