Updated on 2024-05-07 GMT+08:00

Change History

Released On



This issue is the seventeenth official release, which incorporates the following changes:

  • Added Read Replica.
  • Added the pricing description of audit log storage.


This issue is the sixteenth official release, which incorporates the following changes:

Added Compatibility.


This issue is the fifteenth official release, which incorporates the following changes:

Supported RocksDB and instances compatible with MongoDB 4.2.


This issue is the fourteenth official release, which incorporates the following change:

Changed parameter group to parameter template.


This issue is the thirteenth official release, which incorporates the following changes:

Terminated the sale of DDS Enhanced/Enhanced II instances that offer vCPU-to-memory ratio of 1:2.


This issue is the twelfth official release, which incorporates the following changes:

Supported Kunpeng-based instances of Community Edition 4.0.


This issue is the eleventh official release, which incorporates the following changes:

Supported up to 32 dds mongos nodes and 32 shard nodes in each Community Edition cluster instance.

Supported up to 3,000 GB of the replica set storage space.


This issue is the tenth official release, which incorporates the following change:

Modified the description of the replica set instance architecture.


This issue is the ninth official release, which incorporates the following changes:


This issue is the eighth official release, which incorporates the following changes:

Supported a maximum of 16 dds mongos nodes and 16 shards for a Community Edition cluster instance.


This issue is the seventh official release, which incorporates the following change:

Modified DB instance statuses.


This issue is the sixth official release, which incorporates the following changes:

  • Modified the description of the Community Edition cluster instance architecture.
  • Modified DB instance statuses.


This issue is the fifth official release, which incorporates the following change:

Modified DB instance statuses.


This issue is the fourth official release, which incorporates the following change:

Modified DB instance statuses.


This issue is the third official release, which incorporates the following change:

Supported multiple specifications.


This issue is the second official release, which incorporates the following change:

Supported DB instances that are compatible with MongoDB 3.4 Community Edition.


This issue is the first official release.