Help Center> Cloud Search Service> Service Overview> Security> Authentication and Access Control
Updated on 2023-02-03 GMT+08:00

Authentication and Access Control

CSS uses Identity and Access Management (IAM) and cluster security mode to perform authentication and access control for service resources and security clusters, respectively. The two modules are independent of each other.

IAM is used to control resource operation permissions on the CSS management plane. If you need to assign different permissions to employees in your organization to access your CSS resources, IAM is a good choice for fine-grained permissions management. IAM provides identity authentication, permissions management, and access control, helping you secure access to your CSS resources. For details about CSS permission management, see Permissions Management.

If the security mode is enabled for a cluster, identity authentication is required when users access the cluster. You can also authorize other users to access Kibana of the security cluster. For details, see Clusters in Security Mode. CSS supports identity authentication and access control only for clusters in security mode.