Updated on 2024-05-17 GMT+08:00


CodeArts PerfTest provides a one-stop performance test solution, helping you identify performance bottlenecks of applications in advance.

Cost-Efficient Simulation of Ultra-High Concurrency

  • CodeArts PerfTest provides you with private test clusters. In such a test cluster, a single execution node can simulate tens of thousands of virtual users, and the entire test cluster can simulate tens of millions virtual users.
  • CodeArts PerfTest is easy to use and greatly reduces test time. It simulates tens of millions instantaneous concurrent requests. In this way, you can identify application performance bottlenecks in high-concurrency scenarios and prevent system breakdown caused by a large number of access requests.
  • CodeArts PerfTest supports execution of multiple concurrent tasks. It enables you to test the performance of multiple applications at the same time, greatly improving test efficiency.

Flexible and Fast Performance Testing, Achieving Quick Application Rollout

  • Flexible protocol customization: HTTP/HTTPS tests are used to test the performance of various applications and microservice interfaces developed based on the HTTP/HTTPS protocol. TCP/UDP/WebSocket tests support the string and hexadecimal code stream modes, which meet the data construction requirements of various non-HTTP protocols. HLS/RTMP/HTTP-FLV/MQTT tests are supported.
  • Flexible combination of multiple transaction elements and test task phases: CodeArts PerfTest provides flexible definition of data packets and transactions, as well as simulates scenarios where multiple users perform transaction operations during traffic peaks and troughs of test tasks. All of these features make CodeArts PerfTest ideal for complex scenario tests. In addition, CodeArts PerfTest allows you to specify the number of concurrent users for each transaction at each period and simulates instantaneous service traffic.

On-demand Use of Resources in Performance Tests

  • Private resource group: You can create test clusters as required to isolate the traffic between tenants and complete pressure tests of the internal network (Huawei Cloud VPCs) and external network. After tests are complete, you can delete clusters at any time. CodeArts PerfTest supports real-time scale-ins, scale-outs, and upgrades of test clusters.
  • Shared resource group: Use shared resource groups for debugging or small scale concurrent pressure tests.

Quick Location of Performance Bottlenecks

  • CodeArts PerfTest provides professional performance test reports to show metrics such as transaction concurrency, RPS, throughput, and response latency, metrics that worth attention in order to provide a pleasant use experience. CodeArts PerfTest provides real-time and offline reports, allowing for analysis of test data at any time.
  • CodeArts PerfTest seamlessly interconnects with Application Performance Management (APM) and Application Operations Management (AOM). Using intelligent analysis, CodeArts PerfTest associates multiple monitored objects, and displays resource usage of applications, application tracing, and full-link topology. You can view the running statuses of applications in real time, and quickly locate performance bottlenecks.