Updated on 2024-05-29 GMT+08:00



CloudPond provides you with various resources of different billing modes.

Billing Items

CloudPond cloud services consist of core services and advanced services. The billing items of core services consist of computing resources, storage resources, network resources (free), and Elastic IP (EIP) used for communication between edge sites and the central cloud.

For details, see Table 1.

Table 1 Billing items


Billing Item


Core cloud services

Compute resources

You pay only for the compute resources required for running your workloads on premises, including vCPUs and memory.

For details, see Compute Resource Specifications.

Storage resources

You pay only for the disks storing your service data on premises. There are four tiers of fixed storage capacity.

For details, see Storage Resource Specifications.

Network resources (free)

Network resources are free of charge.

  • Local gateways: used for internal network communication between edge sites and on-premises systems.
  • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC): provides VPCs and subnets (including edge AZs).
  • EIP: allows you to launch local services using public IP addresses of your data center.

    The EIP service does not provide Huawei Cloud public IP addresses. You need to bind public IP addresses of your data center before you use the EIP service.

EIP (communication between edge sites and the central cloud)

You need to purchase resources in the EIP service for communication between edge sites and the central cloud.

For CloudPond advanced services, their billing modes and prices of each specification vary by services.

Payment Methods

Table 2 describes the payment methods of each billing item.

Table 2 Payment methods

Billing Item

Payment Method


Compute resources

  • Full upfront: You pay for the three-year contract at a time.
  • Partial upfront + monthly subscription: You pay about 50% at the time of purchase, and the remaining fee is paid in installments within 36 months after site acceptance.
  • You do not need to pay for the compute and storage resources within the capacity. For more information, see Completing the Payment.
  • After all hardware and software are installed and commissioned, the Huawei Cloud technical support team will notify you to carry out an acceptance within three working days. The contract term starts after Huawei Cloud receives your confirmation in writing.

Storage resources

EIP (communication between edge sites and the central cloud)

Yearly/Monthly subscription or pay-per-use

For details, see EIP Billing.

Capacity Expansion

You can log in to the console to expand edge site resources as needed.


Contact Huawei Cloud sales team about the specific requirements and arrange the subsequent process together.


  • If you need to renew the contract upon expiration, communicate with the Huawei Cloud sales team.
  • If you use CloudPond advanced services or other services on the central cloud, renew them based on their renewal mode.

Overdue Payment

  • If your account is in arrears, you can view the arrears details. For details, see Top-Up and Repayment.
  • If your account is in arrears, the purchased CloudPond resources are still available.