Updated on 2022-11-15 GMT+08:00

Auditing and Logging

Cloud Trace Service (CTS) is a log audit service for Huawei Cloud security. It allows you to collect, store, and query cloud resource operation records. You can use these records to perform security analysis, audit compliance, track resource changes, and locate faults.

AS works with CTS to record resource operations. CTS can record operations performed on the management console, operations performed by calling APIs, and operations triggered within the cloud system.

After you enable CTS, whenever an AS API is called, the operation is recorded in a log file, which is then dumped to a specified OBS bucket for storage based on time and data changes. On the CTS console, you can query operation records of the last seven days. To store operation records for a longer period, you can transfer them to Object Storage Service (OBS) buckets.