Updated on 2023-08-21 GMT+08:00


APM manages cloud application performance and provides application metric monitoring, tracing, application topology, URL tracing analysis, and intelligent alarm reporting.

Application Metric Monitoring

This function enables you to monitor the overall health status of applications. APM Agents collect metrics of JVM, GC, service calls, exceptions, external calls, database access, and middleware of Java applications, helping you monitor application running.


APM comprehensively monitors calls and displays service execution traces and statuses, helping you quickly locate performance bottlenecks and faults.

  • In the displayed trace list, click the target trace to view its basic information.
  • On the trace details page, you can view the trace's complete information, including the local method stack and remote call relationships.

Application Topology

There are two types of application topologies:

  • Single-component topology: topology of a single component under a certain environment. You can also view the call relationships of direct and indirect upstream and downstream components.
  • Global application topology: topology of some or all components under an application.

The topology displays the call relationships between services within a period. The statistics can be collected from the caller or the callee. You can also view the trend. On the topology, you can view the call relationships between services and check whether the calls between services are normal to quickly locate faults. The application relationships, call data (service and instance metrics), and health status are clearly displayed.

URL Tracing

If you need to find out the call relationships of an important application (for example, calling an e-commerce system's API to create orders), use URL tracing analysis. In APM, URL tracing consumes a large number of resources. Therefore, an entry URL will not be added for tracing by default. However, you can set that if necessary. APM has a limit on the total number of URLs added for tracing. It focuses on tracing the downstream calls for the APIs that are added for tracing. Through URL tracing, you can monitor the call relationships between important APIs and downstream services, and detect problems more precisely.

Resource Tag Management

You can tag resources under your account for classification.

Tag Management

You can add tags for different environments and applications for easy management.

Intelligent Alarm Reporting

When an application connected to APM meets a preset alarm condition, an alarm is triggered and reported. In this way, you can quickly learn about service exceptions and rectify faults to prevent loss.

APM allows you to configure alarm templates. You can create multiple alarm policies under a template and bind them to nodes.

For intelligent alarm reporting, application alarms can be sent to specified terminals by SMS, function, or email.

Agent Management

You can view the deployment and running statuses of the Agents that are connected to APM, and to stop, start, or delete them.

Configuration Management

Configuration Management consists of Collection Center and Data Masking.

  • Collection Center: displays collectors in a centralized manner. You can view and manage various collectors, metrics, and collection parameters supported by APM.
  • Data Masking: You can set data masking policies. The data reported using APM 2.0 APIs will be masked based on the policies you set.

System Management

System Management consists of Access Keys, General Configuration, and Agent Count.

  • Access Keys: Access Key ID (AK) and Secret Access Key (SK) are your long-term identity credentials. JavaAgents report data with an AK. An AK is used together with an SK to sign requests cryptographically, ensuring that the requests are secret, complete, and correct.
  • General Configuration: You can set the maximum number of rows for data collection, set the slow request threshold, and specify whether to stop collecting data through bytecode instrumentation.
  • Agent Count: APM can count the Agents used by tenants. You can view the number of Agents by time, region, or Agent type.