Updated on 2023-11-28 GMT+08:00


Table 1 Basic concepts of Automation



Script management

Shell, Python, BAT, and PowerShell scripts are supported and multiple versions of a single script can be managed.

Job management

You can orchestrate atomic operations about scripts and files to form job templates for specific O&M automation scenarios. For example, initializing a service environment.

Execution plans

You can select one or more steps from job templates to form execution plans. These plans are instantiated objects of job templates.

Cloud service scenarios

Atomic change scenarios of cloud services. For example, restarting an ECS.

Standardized O&M

You can assemble scripts, file management, execution plans, and cloud service scenarios to form operation processes. These processes standardize changes in specific O&M scenarios.


Jobs and standard O&M processes are released as services. You only need to enter simple information to complete specific O&M, without understanding underlying operation logic.

Parameter library

It consists of global parameters defined in jobs and standardized O&M. Both strings and hosts are supported. Parameters can be shared in different steps. In addition, all parameters in the entire process and their functions can be clearly viewed.

OS account

Used to execute scripts and manage files.

Tool market

By default, tool cards are displayed by scenario. You can bring these cards online or offline from the market as required and configure a review process to improve security.