Updated on 2023-05-24 GMT+08:00

Application Scenarios

The AAD service can be used in a wide range of industries, such as entertainment (gaming), finance, government, e-commerce, media assets, and online education.

  • Entertainment (gaming)

    The entertainment (gaming) industry is fragile to DDoS attacks. The AAD service can provide protection for users during service peaks, such as business activities and holidays, ensure high availability and continuity of games, and improve user experience.

  • Finance

    The AAD service keeps up with the compliance requirements of the finance industry and ensures timeliness, security, and stability of online transactions.

  • Government

    The AAD service meets the security requirements of e-Government cloud construction standards, provides security assurance for major conferences, activities, and sensitive periods, ensures that people's livelihood services are available, and maintains government credibility.

  • E-Commerce

    The AAD service protects user access to the Internet and ensures service continuity during activities such as e-Commerce promotion.

  • Enterprises

    The AAD service ensures continuous service availability for enterprises, mitigates economic and image loss caused by DDoS attacks, and reduces maintenance and security costs.