Updated on 2023-12-20 GMT+08:00

Billed Items

Billed Items

You will be billed for clusters managed by UCS. For details, see Table 1.

Table 1 Billed items

Billed Item


Billing Mode


Clusters managed by UCS

  • The UCS price depends on the cluster type (including Huawei Cloud clusters, on-premises clusters, attached clusters, multi-cloud clusters, and partner cloud clusters), number of vCPUs of a cluster, and required duration. For details about the number of vCPUs, see Viewing the Number of vCPUs of a Cluster.
  • The UCS price does not include the price of any related resources (such as compute nodes and other network services).

Yearly/Monthly or pay-per-use

Cluster scale (vCPUs) x Cluster unit price x Required duration

For details, see Huawei Cloud UCS Pricing Details.

Huawei Cloud UCS centrally manages distributed clusters across clouds and regions. You only need to pay for UCS. Although you can register a cluster on the UCS console, the UCS price does not include the price of other cloud services and related resources.

Viewing the Number of vCPUs of a Cluster

To view the number of vCPUs (included in the UCS price) of each cluster, run the following command:

kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{"\t"} {.status.conditions[?(@.type=="Ready")].status}{"\t"} {.status.capacity.cpu}{"\n"}' | grep True

The cluster status change affects the number of vCPUs collected by the UCS, which affects the UCS billing. If a cluster needs to connect to UCS, ensure that the cluster is running normally. If the cluster is no longer needed, deregister it in a timely manner to avoid further expenditures. For details about the cluster status and billing, see Table 2.

Table 2 Cluster status and billing

Cluster Status







After a cluster is connected to UCS, UCS obtains and records the the number of vCPUs. If the cluster becomes unavailable, UCS cannot obtain the number of vCPUs in real time. In this case, you will be billed based on the last recorded number of vCPUs.

Waiting for access


Registration timeout




Deregistration failed
