Help Center/ SecMaster/ Billing/ Billing Modes/ Pay-per-Use Billing
Updated on 2024-02-02 GMT+08:00

Pay-per-Use Billing

Pay-per-use billing is a postpaid mode in which you pay for what you use. This billing mode requires no upfront or long-term commitments. Only the professional edition and value-added package in SecMaster can be billed on a pay-per-use basis. This section describes the billing rules of pay-per-use SecMaster resources.

Application Scenario

Pay-per-use billing is suitable for applications or services that cannot be interrupted but have unpredictable or sudden traffic surges, such as flash sale activities on e-commerce platforms, temporary testing, and scientific computing.

Applicable Billing Items

The following billing items support pay-per-use billing.

Table 1 Applicable billing items

Billing Item


Service edition + ECS quota

Only the professional edition supports the pay-per-use billing for the service edition and ECS quota.

Large screen

If you have purchased a pay-per-use SecMaster edition, the large screen service in value-added package is also billed on a pay-per-use basis.

Intelligent analysis

If you have purchased a pay-per-use SecMaster edition, the intelligent analysis service in value-added package is also billed on a pay-per-use basis.

Security Orchestration (SOC)

If you have purchased a pay-per-use SecMaster edition, the security orchestration service in value-added package is also billed on a pay-per-use basis.

If you plan to purchase SecMaster professional edition with one ECS quota and a value-added package that include large screen, intelligent analysis, and security orchestration, and select the pay-per-use billing mode, at the bottom of the SecMaster purchase page, you can view the fee details.

The price includes:

  • Professional: the fees for the professional edition and the ECS quota.
  • Large Screen: the fee for the large screen service.
  • Intelligent Analysis: the fee for the actual intelligent analysis log volume you have.
  • Security Orchestration: the fee for playbook execution times.

Billing Period

Pay-per-use SecMaster resources are billed by second. Bills are settled on each integer hour (UTC+ 08:00). After the settlement is complete, a new billing period starts. The billing starts from the time when SecMaster is purchased, and ends at the time when pay-per-use billing is disabled.

For example, if you purchase a pay-per-use SecMaster edition at 8:45:30, and delete it at 8:55:00, the billing period is from 8:00:00 to 9:00:00. Fees are generated for the duration from 8:45:30 to 8:55:30, and the billing duration is 600 seconds.

Billing Examples

Assume that you purchased the pay-per-use professional edition SecMaster (ECS quota: 1) and a value-added package that include large screen, intelligent analysis, and security orchestration services at 09:59:30 on June 8, 2023. Then, you delete them at 10:45:46 on June 8, 2023. During the billing period, one GB of logs were intelligently analyzed and 500 security orchestration jobs were performed. The billing periods of the service edition and ECS quota are as follows:

  • The first billing period is from 9:00:00 to 10:00:00. Fees are generated from 9:59:30 to 10:00:00. The billing duration is 30 seconds within the period.
  • The second billing period is from 10:00:00 to 11:00:00. Fees are generated from 10:00:00 to 10:45:46. The billing duration is 2,746 seconds within the period.

You need to pay for each billing period, and SecMaster resources are billed individually. The billing formula is shown in Table 2. The price of a resource listed in the product pricing details is per hour, so divide it by 3600 to obtain the price for each second.

Table 2 Billing formulas

Resource Type

Billing Formula

Service edition + ECS quota

Service edition + ECS quota price x Billing duration

Large screen

Large screen price x Billing duration

Intelligent analysis

Billed for the actual log data analysis volume

Security Orchestration (SOC)

You will be billed for how many times workflow nodes (including the start and end nodes, but excluding judgement nodes) are executed during playbook execution.

Figure 1 shows the billing calculation.

The prices shown in the figure are for reference only. The final price is determined by the specific order. For details, see SecMaster Pricing Details.

Figure 1 Pricing example of pay-per-use SecMaster

Impact on Billing After Specification Change

If you change the ECS quota after the purchase, a new order will be generated based on the new price. The old order automatically becomes invalid.

If you change the ECS quota within a given hour after the purchase, multiple billing records will be generated. Different records record the billing for different specifications.

For example, if you purchase the professional edition SecMaster with one ECS quota at 09:00:00 and increase the ECS quota to 2 at 09:30:00, two billing records are generated for the duration from 9:00:00 to 10:00:00.

  • The first billing record is for the professional edition and the ECS quota of one for the duration from 09:00:00 to 09:30:00.
  • The second billing record is for the professional edition and the ECS quota of 2 for the duration from 09:30:00 to 10:00:00.

Impact of Arrears

Figure 2 describes the status of pay-per-use SecMaster resources in different periods. After you purchase SecMaster resources, the period during which the resources run properly within the billing cycle is the validity period. If your account is in arrears due to failed payments for the pay-per-use SecMaster resources, the resources enter the grace period and then retention period.

Figure 2 SecMaster resource lifecycle

Arrears notifications

The system deducts fees from your account balance for pay-per-use resources at the end of each billing cycle. If your account is in arrears, we will notify you by email, SMS, or internal message.

Arrears impacts

Your account may fall into arrears if it cannot cover the pay-per-use fees for resources. However, your pay-per-use resources will not be stopped immediately. There will be a grace period. You need to pay the pay-per-use resource fees incurred during the grace period. To view the fees, go to the Billing Center > Overview page. The system will charge the fees once you top up your account.

If you do not pay the arrears within the grace period, the resource enters the retention period and its status turns to Frozen. You cannot perform any operations on pay-per-use resources in the retention period.

If you do not pay off the arrears within the retention period, your SecMaster resources will be released, and data will be lost.