Updated on 2024-10-15 GMT+08:00

Stopping Billing

Yearly/Monthly Resources

You pay for a resource billed in yearly/monthly mode, such as a yearly/monthly RabbitMQ instance, when you purchase it. Billing automatically stops when the subscription expires.

  • If a yearly/monthly resource is no longer needed before the subscription expires, you can unsubscribe from the resource. The system will return a certain amount of money to your account based on whether cash coupons or discount coupons are used. For details about unsubscription rules, see Unsubscriptions. Note: Yearly/Monthly instances with recycling policies enabled will be moved to Recycle Bin upon unsubscription. After that, they will not generate fees, but their storage will. To stop the billing, delete the instances from Recycle Bin.
  • If you have enabled the auto-renewal function, disable it before the auto-renewal deduction date (seven days before the expiration date by default) to avoid unexpected fees.

Pay-per-Use Resources

If a pay-per-use RabbitMQ instance is no longer needed, you can delete it to stop billing. Note: Pay-per-use instances with recycling policies enabled will be moved to Recycle Bin upon deletion. After that, they will not generate fees, but their storage will. To stop the billing, delete the instances from Recycle Bin.

Searching for Resources from Bills and Stopping Billing

From bills, you can find the IDs of all resources that incur fees. Then find the specific resources based on the IDs, and delete the resources. To do so, perform the following operations:

  1. Choose Billing > Transactions and Detailed Bills.
  2. Locate the row that contains the resource ID to be copied. Click the overlapping square next to the resource ID.

    Figure 1 Copying resource ID

  3. In the service list, choose Middleware > Distributed Message Service (for RabbitMQ) to open the console of DMS for RabbitMQ.
  4. Select the region where the resource is located, select ID from the filter criteria, enter the resource ID copied in 2, and click the icon to search for the resource.

    Figure 2 Searching for resources

  5. Click More > Delete in the Operation column to delete the RabbitMQ instance. Ensure that the RabbitMQ instance does not exist in the list.

    The system usually deducts fees of the last settlement period within one hour after the products are used. As a result, after a pay-per-use resource is deleted, the bill information may still exist. For example, if you delete a pay-per-use RabbitMQ instance at 08:30, the fees generated from 08:00 to 09:00 are usually deducted at about 10:00.