Help Center/ Meeting/ Billing/ Billing FAQ
Updated on 2023-09-27 GMT+08:00

Billing FAQ

What Meeting Resources Are Required for Connecting Huawei Hard Terminals to Huawei Cloud Meeting?

The following meeting resources are required for connecting Huawei hard terminals:

  • Cloud meeting rooms
  • Hard terminal access accounts

What Hard Terminals Are Applicable to Huawei Professional Meeting Terminal Access Accounts?

Devices such as Huawei TE20, TE30, TE40, TE50, TE60, Box 300, Box 600 and Bar 300.

How Do I Select a Meeting Recording Storage Space Specification?

Select a recording storage space specification based on the duration of meetings to record.

100 GB: ≥ 40 hours

What Do I Do If the Number of Meeting Users Reaches the Upper Limit When I Add a User on the Huawei Cloud Meeting Management Platform?

You are advised to:

  • Ask the user to join meetings anonymously.
  • Purchase larger cloud meeting rooms to increase the number of meeting users. For details, see Changing Resource Configurations.

What Are Hard Terminal Access Accounts?

A hard terminal access account is required for connecting a hard terminal to Huawei Cloud Meeting.

  • Use an access account to register a hard terminal with Huawei Cloud Meeting. Then you can use cloud meeting resources in your enterprise on the hard terminal for conferencing. If meeting functions cannot be used after the hard terminal is connected, check whether your enterprise has sufficient cloud meeting resources.
  • Purchase access accounts based on the device type and quantity. If the number of access accounts in your enterprise is less than the number of devices, some devices cannot be connected to Huawei Cloud Meeting.