Help Center/ Edge Security/ Billing/ About Arrears
Updated on 2024-05-27 GMT+08:00

About Arrears

If there is not a sufficient account balance to pay for your bill and there is no other payment method configured, your account will go into arrears. If your account is in arrears, the service cannot work. You need to top up your account in a timely manner.

Arrears Reasons

You have purchased a resource package, but the fees for number of requests or access traffic exceeds the account balance.

Impact of Arrears

Yearly/monthly EdgeSec resources are paid when you make the purchase. You can still use the existing yearly/monthly EdgeSec resources even if your account goes into arrears.

  • The number of requests and access traffic in pay-per-use billing mode are limited.
  • However, you cannot perform other operations that may generate fees, such as purchasing new EdgeSec resources, upgrading EdgeSec specifications, or renewing subscriptions.

Avoiding and Handling Arrears

You need to top up your account once it is in arrears.

If you no longer need EdgeSec, unsubscribe from it to avoid unnecessary fees.

To help make sure your account never falls into arrears, you can enable Balance Alert on the Overview page in the Billing Center. Then, anytime an expenditure quota drops to a value below the threshold you specify, Huawei Cloud automatically notifies you by SMS or email.

If your account is in arrears, top up your account in time.