Updated on 2024-08-08 GMT+08:00


CBH supports yearly/monthly and pay-per-use billing modes.

Yearly/Monthly billing is a prepaid mode in which you pay for the service before using it. Your bill is generated based on the required duration you specify in the order. The longer the subscription term, the bigger the discount. This mode is applicable to services that have long-term and stable requirements.

Pay-per-use billing is a postpaid mode in which you pay for what you use by the hour.

Table 1 lists billing modes supported by CBH.

Currently, the pay-per-use billing mode applies only to the government cloud zone.

Table 1 Billing modes

Billing Mode

  • Yearly/Monthly billing
  • Pay-per-use billing

Payment Method

  • Yearly/Monthly billing: You are billed based on the required duration you specify in the order.
  • Pay-per-use billing: You pay for what you actually use by the hour.

Billing Period

  • Yearly/Monthly billing: You make a one-time payment for your order.
  • Pay-per-use billing: The usage is calculated by the second, and the bill is generated by the hour.

Billed Item


Billing for Stopped Instance

  • Yearly/Monthly billing: The bill is generated based on the required duration you specify in the order, regardless of whether the CBH instance is stopped.
  • Pay-per-use billing: The bill is generated based on real-time usage. CBH checks connections in real time. The billing does not stop as long as there are on-going O&M connections even if managed resources are stopped.

Billing Mode Change

  • Yearly/Monthly: Not supported.
  • Pay-per-use billing: Not supported.

Specifications Change


Application Scenario

Yearly/Monthly is ideal when your resource usage duration is predictable.