Updated on 2024-08-08 GMT+08:00

Billing Items

Billing Description

The billing items of CBH consist of specifications and instance types. For details, see Table 1.

The billing items marked with asterisks (*) are mandatory.

Table 1 CBH billing items

Billing Item


Billing Mode


* Specifications

Billing factors: number of assets, number of concurrent requests, and instance edition.

  • Yearly/Monthly billing
  • Pay-per-use billing

Unit price of the instance specifications x Required duration

* Instance type

  • Single-node CBH: No standby CBH instance is purchased.
  • Primary/standby: Purchase a standby CBH instance. You can select an AZ as required.
  • Yearly/Monthly billing
  • Pay-per-use billing

Single-node CBH: Price of specifications x 1

Active/standby CBH: Price of specifications x 2

Billing Examples

Take the yearly/monthly billing mode as an example. Assume that you purchased a yearly/monthly CBH instance (specifications: 20 assets professional edition) at 15:50:04 on March 8, 2023. The billing resources include only specifications. Your subscription is one month and you manually renew the subscription for one month before the subscription expires. The billing details will be as follows:

  • The first billing period: March 08, 2023, 15:50:04 to April 08, 2023, 23:59:59
  • The second billing period: April 08, 2023, 23:59:59 to May 08, 2023, 23:59:59

Figure 1 shows how the total price is calculated.

The price in the figure is for reference only. The actual calculation is based the price in the Product Price Details.

Figure 1 Total price for a yearly/monthly CBH instance