Help Center> Global SIM Link> FAQs> IoT SIM Card Management> How Do I Export IoT SIM Card Information?
Updated on 2024-06-24 GMT+08:00

How Do I Export IoT SIM Card Information?

Log in to the GSL console, go to the SIM Cards page, click Export above the list to export information of specified or all SIM cards.

Exporting SIM Card Information

Log in to the GSL console and choose SIM Cards > Card List in the navigation pane. Click Export above the list to export specified SIM card information.

Table 1 Export tasks



Export Selected Cards Info

Select one or several cards and click Export > Export Selected Cards Info. In the displayed dialog box, click Export Results to go to the export task list page. When the task export status becomes Successful, click Download in the Operation column to download the card information.

Alternatively, after the export task is submitted, choose Export Task List in the navigation pane to go to the export task list page. When the task export status becomes Successful, click Download in the Operation column to download the card information.

Export All Cards Info

Click Export > Export All Cards Info. In the displayed dialog box, click Export Results to go to the export task list page. When the task export status becomes Successful, click Download in the Operation column to download the card information.

Alternatively, after the export task is submitted, choose Export Task List in the navigation pane to go to the export task list page. When the task export status becomes Successful, click Download in the Operation column to download the card information.

Export Monthly Usage of Selected Cards

Select one or several cards and click Export > Export Monthly Usage of Selected Cards. In the displayed dialog box, click Export Results to go to the export task list page. When the task export status becomes Successful, click Download in the Operation column to download the card monthly usage report in the last six months.

Alternatively, after the export task is submitted, choose Export Task List in the navigation pane to go to the export task list page. When the task export status becomes Successful, click Download in the Operation column to download the card information.

Export Monthly Usage of All Cards

Click Export > Export Monthly Usage of All Cards. In the displayed dialog box, click Export Results to go to the export task list page. When the task export status becomes Successful, click Download in the Operation column to download the monthly usage report in the last six months for all cards.

Alternatively, after the export task is submitted, choose Export Task List in the navigation pane to go to the export task list page. When the export status becomes Successful, click Download in the Operation column to download the card information.

  • Only records of the last six months can be exported. For example, on November 2, 2022, you can export records of June, July, August, September, October, and November.
  • Filter is available. A maximum of 500,000 records can be exported at a time.
  • If you export files for multiple times, wait for 5 minutes before performing the next export task.

IoT SIM Card Management FAQs
