Help Center> Server Migration Service> User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)> FAQs> Migration Network> How Do I Set Up a Secure Migration Network for Using SMS?
Updated on 2024-03-15 GMT+08:00

How Do I Set Up a Secure Migration Network for Using SMS?


To use SMS, you need to install the Agent on each source server to be migrated. During the migration, each source server must continuously communicate with SMS and the paired target server.

Figure 1 SMS networking

Connecting Source Servers to API Gateway

  • The Agent installed on source servers must communicate with services IAM, ECS, EVS, IMS, VPC, SMS, OBS, and DNS during the migration. You must ensure that the Agent can call the APIs of these services in the region where you are migrating to. You can view the domain names of these services in supported regions in the SMS-Agent/config/cloud-region.json file.
  • If the DNS server addresses are not configured on the source server, you need to map each endpoint to its IP address in the local hosts file (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts for Windows and /etc/hosts for Linux). The IP addresses can be obtained by pinging the endpoints.

Connecting Source Servers to Target Servers

  • If you want to migrate over the Internet, you need to an EIP for the target server.
  • If you want to migrate over a private network, you need to a Direct Connect or VPN connection from your source environment to the cloud platform.

Opening Required Ports on Target Servers

  • For Windows target servers, open inbound ports 8899, 8900, and 22 in their security groups. For Linux target servers, open inbound ports 8900 and 22 in their security groups.
  • If a network ACL is configured for the subnet you are migrating to, you also need to open the required inbound ports in the ACL.

    For details, see How Do I Configure Security Group Rules for Target Servers?