Updated on 2024-03-15 GMT+08:00

What Is SMS?

Server Migration Service (SMS) helps you migrate applications and data from x86 physical or virtual servers on premises or in another private cloud or cloud platform to Elastic Cloud Servers (ECSs) on the cloud platform.

Figure 1 How SMS works

How SMS works

You only need to perform steps 1 and 3, and SMS takes care of the other steps automatically.

  1. Install the Agent on the source server.
  2. The Agent registers its connection status with SMS and reports the information about the source server to SMS. Then, SMS evaluates migration feasibility.
  3. Create a migration task.
  4. The Agent receives and executes the migration commands sent by SMS.
  5. SMS migrates the system disk of the source server.
  6. SMS migrates data disks of the source server.
  • Source server is a x86 physical server or VM running on-premises or on other cloud that you want to migrate.
  • Target server is the ECS you select when creating the migration task. The target server takes over the migrated data and applications. During the migration, data on the source server is transmitted based on the migration policy and overwrites the existing data on the target server.
  • SMS is the SMS service.