Updated on 2022-08-12 GMT+08:00

Changing the Password for User admin


The user admin is the system administrator account of FusionInsight Manager, periodically change the password for user admin to improve system security.


  1. Log in to FusionInsight Manager.

    Log in to the system as user admin.

  2. Move the cursor to Hello, admin in the upper right corner of the page.

    In the displayed menu, click Change Password.

  3. Set Old Password, New Password, and Confirm Password, and click OK.

    The password complexity requirements are as follows by default:

    • The password ranges from 8 to 64 characters.
    • The password must contain at least four types of the following: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, digits, spaces, and special characters which can only be ~`!?,.;-_'(){}[]/<>@#$%^&*+|\=.
    • The password cannot be the same as the username or reverse username.
    • The password cannot be a common password that is easy to crack.
    • The password cannot be the same as the password that used in latest N times. N indicates the value of Repetition Rule in Configuring Password Policies.