Updated on 2024-04-03 GMT+08:00

Adding a Dump Task


You can dump cloud service monitoring data to DMS for Kafka in real time and query the metrics on the DMS for Kafka console or using an open-source Kafka client.

An account can create a maximum of 20 data dump tasks.


  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click Service List in the upper left corner, and select Cloud Eye.
  3. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Data Dump.
  4. Click Add Dump Task.
  5. In the Add Dump Task dialog box, configure parameters as prompted.
    Table 1 Dump task parameters




    Specifies the dump task name.

    The name can contain 1 to 64 characters and consist of only letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-).

    Example value: dataShareJob-ECSMetric

    Resource Type

    Specifies the type of resources monitored by Cloud Eye.

    Example value: Elastic Cloud Server


    Specifies the dimension of the monitored object.

    For details, see Metrics and Dimension on the monitoring metric description page.

    If All is selected, all monitored objects of the selected service will be dumped to Kafka.

    If ECSs is selected, metrics of this dimension will be dumped to Kafka.

    Example value: All

    Monitoring Scope

    The scope can only be All resources, indicating that all metrics of the specified monitored object will be dumped to DMS for Kafka.

    Resource Type

    The type can only be Distributed Message Service for Kafka.


    Specifies the Kafka instance and topic where the data is to be dumped.

    If no Kafka instance or topic is available, see Buying an Instance and Creating a Topic.

  6. Click Add after the configuration is complete.

    You can query the dumped data in Kafka. For details, see Querying Messages.