Help Center> MapReduce Service> FAQs> Cluster Management> What Is the Python Version Installed for an MRS Cluster?
Updated on 2023-10-19 GMT+08:00

What Is the Python Version Installed for an MRS Cluster?

Log in to a Master node as user root and run the Python3 command to query the Python version.

Table 1 Python versions supported by MRS

MRS Cluster Version

Python Version

MRS 3.1.0

Python 3.8.0

MRS 3.0.5

Python 3.7.0

MRS 3.0.2

Python 3.7.0

MRS 2.1.1

Python 3.6.8

MRS 2.1.0

Python 3.6.8

MRS 1.9.3

Python 3.6.8

Cluster Management FAQs
