Updated on 2024-05-30 GMT+08:00

Upgrading Patches

GeminiDB Mongo can be upgraded by installing patches to improve performance, release new features, or fix bugs.

After a new patch version involving performance improvement, new functions, or problem rectification is released for GeminiDB Mongo, you can upgrade your instance to the latest version at a proper time based on service requirements.

If a new patch is released, you can upgrade your instance by clicking the upgrade button in the Compatible API column on the Instances page, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Installing a patch


  • Upgrade your instance once there are new patches released.
  • If the database version is a risky version, the system prompts you to upgrade the database patch.
  • Upgrading the minor version of an instance will restart each node of the instance in sequence. When a node is being restarted, its services will be taken over by another node. Each takeover will interrupt services for 3 to 5 seconds. So, perform an upgrade during off-peak hours and enable automatic reconnection so that each node can be reconnected immediately after being restarted.
  • Upgrading basic components takes about 15 minutes. Upgrading data components takes about 1 to 2 minutes, which depends on how many nodes there are.
  • The instance will be restarted and services may be interrupted during the upgrade. The interruption duration depends on services, quantity of nodes, and the amount of service data. Upgrade your instance during off-peak hours.


  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. In the service list, choose Databases > GeminiDB Mongo API.
  3. On the Instances page, locate the instance you want to upgrade and click Upgrade Minor Version in the Compatible API column.

    Figure 2 Installing a patch

    Alternatively, click the instance name to go to the Basic Information page. In the DB Information area, click Upgrade Minor Version in the Compatible API field.

    Figure 3 Installing a patch

  4. In the displayed dialog box, click OK.

    Figure 4 Confirming dialog box

  5. View the upgrade result on the Instances page.

    • When the upgrade is ongoing, the instance status is Upgrading minor version.
    • After the upgrade is complete, the instance status changes Available.