Help Center/ ModelArts/ FAQs/ Notebook (New Version)/ Others/ Does the System Automatically Stop or Delete a Notebook Instance If I Do Not Enable Automatic Stop?
Updated on 2022-12-06 GMT+08:00

Does the System Automatically Stop or Delete a Notebook Instance If I Do Not Enable Automatic Stop?

The answer to this question differs depending on the selected resource specifications.

  • If you use free specifications, your notebook instance automatically stops after running for one hour. If the notebook instance is not started again within 72 hours, it will be deleted. Therefore, when using free specifications, pay attention to the running time and back your files up properly.
  • If you use a paid public resource pool and do not enable automatic stop, the notebook instance does not automatically stop or is deleted.
  • If you use a dedicated resource pool, the notebook instance does not automatically stop. However, if the dedicated resource pool is deleted, the notebook instance will be unavailable.