Help Center/ Migration Center/ FAQs/ Storage Migration/ How Do I View Key Metrics that Affect the Migration Speed?
Updated on 2025-02-17 GMT+08:00

How Do I View Key Metrics that Affect the Migration Speed?

Migrating Cluster Metrics

The following table describes the key metrics of the migration cluster.




CPU usage

Used to monitor the CPU usage.

This metric is important for migration of small files. It is recommended that the CPU usage be close to but not greater than 90%.

Outband incoming and outgoing rates

Used to observe the changes in outband incoming and outgoing rates.

The metrics are important for migration of large files. The recommended rate is 2 Gbit/s to 3 Gbit/s.

To view the preceding metrics, perform the following steps:

  1. On the ECS console, click the name of an ECS in the migration cluster.
  2. Choose Monitor > Basic Monitoring to view the real-time CPU usage and traffic changes.

Network Metrics

The following table describes the key network metrics.





Migration over the Internet using a NAT gateway

Incoming and outgoing traffic

Use to observe the incoming and outgoing traffic changes of the EIP used by the NAT gateway to ensure efficient data transmission and proper allocation of network resources.

It is recommended that the bandwidth usage be less than 90%. For example, if the total EIP bandwidth of the NAT gateway is 20 Gbit/s, it is recommended that the used bandwidth be less than or equal to 18 Gbit/s.

Migration over Cloud Connect, Direct Connect, or private lines

Inbound and outbound bandwidth

Used to observe the inbound and outbound bandwidth changes.


  • To view the inbound and outbound bandwidths of a NAT gateway, perform the following steps:
    1. On the Huawei Cloud console, choose Networking > Management & Governance > NAT Gateway.
    2. On the displayed page, click the name of the public NAT gateway used for migration.
    3. Under Monitoring, view the inbound and outbound traffic changes of the NAT gateway.

  • To view the inbound and outbound bandwidth of a private line, perform the following steps:
    1. Log in to the Huawei Cloud console and choose Service List > Management & Governance > Cloud Eye.
    2. In the navigation pane, choose Cloud Service Monitoring.
    3. Click Cloud Connect or Direct Connect.

    4. In the instance list, click View Metric in the Operation column. You can view the inbound and outbound bandwidth of the instance.

Metrics of Source and Target Storage Systems

The following table describes the key metrics of the source and target storage systems.






QPS and outbound traffic

Used to observe the QPS and outbound traffic of the source storage system to detect and handle potential performance bottlenecks in a timely manner.

If the QPS or outbound traffic is close to or exceeds 80% to 90% of the threshold provided in the official documentation, contact the source vendor to adjust the threshold.


QPS and inbound traffic

Used to observe the QPS and outbound traffic of the target storage system to detect and handle potential performance bottlenecks in a timely manner.

If the QPS or outbound traffic is close to or exceeds 80% to 90% of the threshold provided in the official documentation, contact the target vendor to adjust the threshold.

You can view the QPS and inbound and outbound traffic of the source and target buckets. For details about how to view the bucket usage statistics of OBS buckets, see Viewing Bucket Usage Metrics.