Help Center/ Host Security Service/ FAQs/ Agent/ Is the Agent in Conflict with Any Other Security Software?
Updated on 2025-01-07 GMT+08:00

Is the Agent in Conflict with Any Other Security Software?

Yes, it may be in conflict with DenyHosts.

  • Symptom: The IP address of the login server is identified as an attack IP address and blocked by HSS. After the IP address is unblocked, it still cannot be used for login.
  • Cause: HSS and DenyHosts both block possible attack IP addresses, but HSS can not unblock the IP addresses that were blocked by DenyHosts.
  • Handling method: Stop DenyHosts.
  • Procedure
    1. Log in to the server as the root user.
    2. Run the following command to check whether DenyHosts has been installed:

      ps -ef | grep

      If information similar to the following is displayed, DenyHosts has been installed:

    3. Run the following command to stop DenyHosts:

      kill -9 'cat /var/lock/denyhosts'

    4. Run the following command to cancel the automatic start of DenyHosts upon host startup:

      chkconfig --del denyhosts;