Help Center/ Application Operations Management/ FAQs (2.0)/ O&M Management (Unavailable Soon)/ Why Is "delete success:{}" Displayed (Files Cannot Be Deleted) During Disk Clearance?
Updated on 2025-02-12 GMT+08:00

Why Is "delete success:{}" Displayed (Files Cannot Be Deleted) During Disk Clearance?


During disk clearance, message "delete success:{}" is displayed, indicating that the files in the specified directory cannot be deleted.

Possible Causes

  • The directory or file to be cleared does not exist.
  • The result of the current time minus the last modification time of the target file or directory is less than the file retention time specified in the clearing rule.


Check whether the directory or file to be cleared exists. If they exist, ensure that the result of the current time minus the last modification time of the file or directory is greater than the file retention time specified in the clearing rule.

Example: To delete files generated one day ago, ensure that the result of the current time minus the last modification time of the file or directory is greater than 24 hours.