Updated on 2022-02-22 GMT+08:00

Viewing Basic Information

This section describes how to view domain information and edit server information.


Login credentials have been obtained.


  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner of the management console and select a region or project.
  3. Click Service List at the top of the page. Choose Security > Web Application Firewall. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Domains. Table 1 describes parameters.

    Table 1 Parameter description




    Protected domain name


    WAF mode of the protected domain name

    • Enabled: WAF is enabled.
    • Disabled: WAF is disabled.
    • Bypassed: In this mode, requests are directly sent to the backend server without passing through WAF.


    DNS resolution status

    Protection Status over Past 3 Days

    Protection status of the domain name over the past three days. In the Operation column, choose More > View Attack to view specific protection logs.


    Policy configuration of the domain name. Click Configure Policy to configure rules by referring to Rule Configurations.

  4. In the Name column, click the target domain name to go to the basic information page.
  5. View domain information.

    1. View Basic Information and WAF Information.
      In the upper right corner of the domain information page, click to refresh the page.
      • Domain ID: unique ID that is generated randomly for a domain name.
      • Creation Time: time when the domain name is created.
      • Click in the Access Address, Subdomain Name, TXT Record, or WAF IP Address Range row to copy the required value.
      • If Client Protocol is set to HTTPS, updating the certificate is required. To do so, click next to Certificate Name. In the displayed dialog box, select an existing certificate.
      • If your web server stops using a proxy, click next to the value of Proxy Configured. In the dialog box displayed, select No.
      • Domain ID: unique ID that is generated randomly for a domain name.
      • Creation Time: time when the domain name is created.
      • Click in the target row to copy the value of CNAME or WAF IP Address Range.
      • If Client Protocol is set to HTTPS, updating the certificate is required. To do so, click next to Certificate Name. In the displayed dialog box, select an existing certificate.
      • If your web server stops using a proxy, click next to the value of Proxy Configured. In the dialog box displayed, select Yes.
    2. View the server information.

      Click Edit Server Information. On the displayed page, edit server configurations, such as the client protocol and associated certificate.

Related Operations

In the Operation column of the domain list, you can:

  • Click Switch Mode to switch the WAF working mode.
  • Click Configure Policy to configure WAF protection rules.
  • Choose More > Check DNS to check the DNS resolution status.
  • Choose More > View Attack to view the WAF protection logs.
  • Choose More > View Metric to view the WAF monitoring logs. For more details, see Cloud Eye User Guide.
  • Choose More > Delete to delete the protected domain.