Updated on 2024-08-14 GMT+08:00

What Is HSS?

helps you identify and manage the assets on your servers, eliminate risks, and defend against intrusions and web page tampering. There are also advanced protection and security operations functions available to help you easily detect and handle threats.

How HSS Works

Install the HSS agent on your servers, and you will be able to check the server security status and risks in a region on the HSS console.

The functions and working processes of components are described as follows:

Table 1 Components



Management console

A visualized management platform, where you can apply configurations in a centralized manner and view the protection status and scan results of servers in a region.

HSS cloud protection center

  • Analyzes security risks in servers using AI, machine learning, and deep learning algorithms.
  • Integrates multiple antivirus engines to detect and kill malicious programs in servers.
  • Receives configurations and scan tasks sent from the console and forwards them to agents on the servers.
  • Receives server information reported by agents, analyzes security risks and exceptions on servers, and displays the analysis results on the console.


  • Communicates with the HSS cloud protection center via HTTPS and WSS. Port 10180 is used by default.
  • Scans all servers every early morning; monitors the security status of servers; and reports the collected server information (including non-compliant configurations, insecure configurations, intrusion traces, software list, port list, and process list) to the cloud protection center.
  • Blocks server attacks based on the security policies you configured.
  • If the agent is not installed or is abnormal, you cannot use HSS.
  • Select the agent and installation command suitable for your OS.
  • WTP, CGS, and HSS share the same agent, so you only need to install the agent once on the same server.