Updated on 2023-01-05 GMT+08:00

Resetting a Synchronization Task

During real-time synchronization, you can reset the synchronization tasks in one of the following statuses so that you do not need to configure the tasks again.

  • Paused
  • Failed

For details about the synchronization scenarios where synchronization tasks can be reset, see Real-time Synchronization Scenarios Where Synchronization Tasks Can Be Reset.

  • For a many-to-one synchronization task, only the parent task can be reset.
  • For a MySQL many-to-one synchronization task, only the subtask can be reset.
  • Resetting a task does not clear the destination database. You can determine whether to clear the destination database based on your service requirements. After the task is reset, a full synchronization is performed again. You do not need to configure the task again.


You have logged in to the DRS console.

Method 1

  1. In the task list on the Data Synchronization Management page, locate the target task and click Reset in the Operation column.
  2. In the displayed dialog box, check the synchronization task again.

    If a many-to-one synchronization task fails to be reset, click the name of the failed subtask in the failure details to view the failure cause of the task.

  3. After the check is complete and the check success rate is 100%, click Start to submit the synchronization task again.

Method 2

  1. On the Data Synchronization Management page, click the target synchronization task name in the Task Name/ID column.
  2. On the displayed page, click the Synchronization Progress tab, and click Reset in the upper left corner.
  3. Perform 2 to 3 from method 1.

Real-time Synchronization Scenarios Where Synchronization Tasks Can Be Reset

To the cloud
  • MySQL->MySQL
  • MySQL->GaussDB(DWS)
  • PostgreSQL->PostgreSQL
  • Oracle -> GaussDB(DWS) (Only tasks in the failed state can be reset.)
From the cloud
  • MySQL->MySQL
  • MySQL -> Kafka (Only tasks in the failed state can be reset.)