Help Center/ Cloud Search Service/ User Guide (Paris and Amsterdam Regions)/ FAQs/ Clusters in Security Mode/ How Do I Convert the Format of a CER Security Certificate?
Updated on 2023-06-20 GMT+08:00

How Do I Convert the Format of a CER Security Certificate?

The security certificate (CloudSearchService.cer) can be downloaded only for security clusters that have enabled HTTPS access. Most software supports certificates in the .pem or .jks format. You need to convert the format of the CSS security certificate.

  • Run the following command to convert the security certificate from .cer to .pem:
    openssl x509 -inform der -in CloudSearchService.cer –out newname.pem
  • Run the following command to convert the security certificate from .cer to .jks:
    keytool -import -alias newname -keystore ./truststore.jks -file ./CloudSearchService.cer 

In the preceding commands, newname indicates the user-defined certificate name.

After the command is executed, set the certificate password and confirm the password as prompted. Securely store the password. It will be used for accessing the cluster.