Updated on 2022-02-21 GMT+08:00

Collecting Connection Information

Required Kafka Instance Information

  1. Instance connection address and port

    After an instance is created, you can obtain the IP address from the Basic Information tab page of the instance. You can configure all IP addresses on the client. For example, as shown in the following figure, a 100 MB/s instance has three addresses. Instances of other specifications may have a different number of brokers, so the number of addresses vary.

    For public access, you can use the connection addresses listed in the Public Access section.

    Figure 1 Viewing the connection addresses and ports of brokers of a Kafka instance
  2. Topic name

    Obtain the topic name on the Topic Management tab page.

  3. SASL information

    If SASL_SSL is enabled for the instance, the SASL_SSL username, password, and SSL certificate are required. The username and password are set during the creation of the instance.

    Obtain the username on the Basic Information tab page. If the password is lost, you can reset the password.