Updated on 2022-12-14 GMT+08:00

Configuring SSL for the HA Module


This section describes how to manually configure SSL for the HA module of DBService in the cluster where DBService is installed.

After this operation is performed, if you need to restore the SSL configuration, go to Restoring SSL for the HA Module.


  • The cluster has been installed.
  • The root-ca.crt and root-ca.pem files in the $BIGDATA_HOME/FusionInsight_BASE_x.x.x/install/FusionInsight-dbservice-2.7.0/security directory on the active and standby DBService nodes are the same.


  1. Log in to the DBService node where SSL needs to be configured as user omm.
  2. Go to the $BIGDATA_HOME/FusionInsight_BASE_x.x.x/install/FusionInsight-dbservice-2.7.0/sbin/ directory and run the following command:

    ./proceed_ha_ssl_cert.sh DBService installation directoryService IP address of the node


    cd $BIGDATA_HOME/FusionInsight_BASE_x.x.x/install/FusionInsight-dbservice-2.7.0/sbin/

    ./proceed_ha_ssl_cert.sh $BIGDATA_HOME/FusionInsight_BASE_x.x.x/install/FusionInsight-dbservice-2.7.0

    $BIGDATA_HOME/FusionInsight_BASE_x.x.x/install/FusionInsight-dbservice-2.7.0 is the installation directory of DBService. Modify it based on site requirements.

  3. Go to the $BIGDATA_HOME/FusionInsight_BASE_x.x.x/install/FusionInsight-dbservice-2.7.0/ha/module/hacom/script/ directory and run the following command to restart the HA process:



  4. Run the following command on the preceding node to obtain the PID of the HA process:

    ps -ef |grep "ha.bin" |grep DBSERVICE

  5. Run the following command to check whether the protocol is changed to TCP:

    netstat -nap | grep pid | grep -v unix
    • If yes, no further action is required.
    • If no, go to 2.
    (Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info 
     will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.) 
    tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      11896/ha.bin         
    tcp        0      0        ESTABLISHED    11896/ha.bin         
    tcp        0      0        ESTABLISHED    11896/ha.bin