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Help Center/ MapReduce Service/ Component Operation Guide (LTS) (Paris Region)/ Using Loader/ Client Tool Description/ Example for Using the Open-Source sqoop-shell Tool (Oracle-HBase)

Example for Using the Open-Source sqoop-shell Tool (Oracle-HBase)

Updated on 2022-12-14 GMT+08:00


Taking Importing Data from Oracle to HBase as an example, this section introduces how to use the sqoop-shell tool to create and start Loader jobs in the interaction mode and batch mode.


The Loader client has been installed and configured. For details, see Running a Loader Job by Using Commands.

Example for the Interaction Mode

  1. Log in to the node where the Loader client is installed as the user who installs the client.
  2. Run the following command to go to the conf directory of the sqoop-shell tool. For example, if the Loader client installation directory is /opt/hadoopclient/Loader, run the following command:

    cd /opt/hadoopclient/Loader/loader-tools-1.99.3/sqoop-shell/conf

  3. Run the following command to configure authentication information:


    # simple or kerberos 
    # true or false 
    client.principal=oracle/hadoop@<system domain name>
    # keytab file 

    Log in to FusionInsight Manager and choose System > Permission > Domain and Mutual Trust. The value of Local Domain is the current system domain name.

    Table 1 Configuration parameters

    Configuration parameters


    Example Value


    Floating IP address and port (21351) for Loader.

    For compatibility, multiple IP addresses and ports can be configured and need to be separated by commas (,). The first IP address and port must be those of Loader (21351). The others can be configured based on service requirements.


    Login authentication mode.

    • kerberos indicates that the security mode is used and Kerberos authentication is performed. Kerberos authentication provides two authentication modes: the password mode and the keytab file mode.
    • simple indicates that the normal mode is used and Kerberos authentication is not performed.



    User for login when the normal mode or password authentication is used.

    In the keytab login mode, this parameter does not need to be set.



    User password for login when the password authentication mode is used.

    In the normal mode or keytab login mode, this parameter does not need to be set.

    The password needs to be encrypted. The encryption method is described as follows:

    1. Go to the directory where encrypt_tool is located. For example, if the Loader client installation directory is /opt/hadoopclient/Loader, run the following command:

      cd /opt/hadoopclient/Loader/loader-tools-1.99.3

    2. Run the following command to encrypt the non-encrypted password:

      ./encrypt_tool Unencrypted password

      The obtained encrypted password is used as the value of authentication.password.


      If a non-encrypted password contains special characters, the special characters must be escaped. For example, the dollar sign ($) is a special character and can be escaped using single quotation marks ('), for example, '1q2w#e$r'. If a non-encrypted password contains single quotation marks, use double quotation marks to escape the single quotation marks. If a non-encrypted password contains double quotation marks, use backslashes (\) to escape the double quotation marks. For details, see the shell escape character rules.



    Whether to use the keytab mode to log in.

    • true indicates using the keytab file to log in.
    • false indicates using the password to log in.



    User principal for accessing the Loader service when the keytab authentication mode is used.

    In the normal mode or password login mode, this parameter does not need to be set.



    Directory where the used keytab file is located when the keytab authentication mode is used.

    In the normal mode or password login mode, this parameter does not need to be set.


  4. Run the following command to go to the interaction mode:

    source /opt/hadoopclient/bigdata_env

    cd /opt/hadoopclient/Loader/loader-tools-1.99.3/sqoop-shell


    The preceding commands obtain authentication information by reading the configuration file.

    Alternatively, you can also use the password or Kerberos authentication.

    Run the following command to authenticate login using the password mode:

    ./sqoop2-shell -uk false -u username -p encryptedPassword

    Run the following command to authenticate login using the Kerberos mode:

    ./sqoop2-shell -uk true -k user.keytab -s userPrincipal

    Welcome to sqoop client
    Use the username and password authentication mode
    Authentication success.
    Sqoop Shell: Type 'help' or '\h' for help.

  1. Run the following command to view the corresponding ID of the current connector:

    show connector

    The following information is displayed:

    | Id |            Name            |    Version     |                                Class                                 |
    | 1  | generic-jdbc-connector     | 2.0.7-SNAPSHOT | org.apache.sqoop.connector.jdbc.GenericJdbcConnector                 |
    | 2  | ftp-connector              | 2.0.5-SNAPSHOT | org.apache.sqoop.connector.ftp.FtpConnector                          |
    | 3  | hdfs-connector             | 2.0.5-SNAPSHOT | org.apache.sqoop.connector.hdfs.HdfsConnector                        |
    | 4  | oracle-connector           | 2.0.1-SNAPSHOT |                    |
    | 5  | mysql-fastpath-connector   | 2.0.1-SNAPSHOT | org.apache.sqoop.connector.mysql.MySqlConnector                      |
    | 6  | sftp-connector             | 2.0.6-SNAPSHOT | org.apache.sqoop.connector.sftp.SftpConnector                        |
    | 7  | oracle-partition-connector | 2.0.6-SNAPSHOT | |

    The preceding information indicates that the Oracle connector ID is 4.

  2. Run the following command to create connectors and enter the specific connector information as prompted:

    create connection -c connector ID

    For example, if the connector ID is 4, run the following command:

    create connection -c 4

    sqoop:000> create connection -c 4
    Creating connection for connector with id 4
    Please fill following values to create new connection object
    Name: oracle14
    Oracle connection configuration
    JDBC connection string: jdbc:oracle:thin:@
    Username: oracledba
    Password: **********
    JDBC connection properties:
    There are currently 0 values in the map:
    New connection was successfully created with validation status FINE and persistent id 3

    The preceding information indicates that the connection ID is 3.

  3. Based on the connection ID, run the following command to create jobs:

    create job -x connection ID -t import --trans absolute path of job-config/oracle-hbase.json

    For example, if the connection ID is 3, run the following command:

    create job -x 3 -t import --trans /opt/hadoopclient/Loader/loader-tools-1.99.3/loader-tool/job-config/oracle-hbase.json

    The following information is displayed:

    sqoop:000> create job -x 3 -t import --trans /opt/hadoopclient/Loader/loader-tools-1.99.3/loader-tool/job-config/oracle-to-hbase.json
    Creating job for connection with id 3
    Please fill following values to create new job object
    Name: run
    Database target
    Table name: test
    Data split method:
      0 : ROWID
      1 : PARTITION
    Table Partitions:
    Data split allocation method:
      0 : ROUNDROBIN
      1 : SEQUENTIAL
      2 : RANDOM
    JDBC fetch size:
    Output configuration
    Storage type:
      0 : HDFS
      3 : HIVE
      4 : SPARK
    Choose: 1
    HBase instance: HBase
    Clear data before import : false
    Throttling resources
    Extractors: 10
    Extractor size:
    New job was successfully created with validation status FINE  and persistent id 7

    The preceding information indicates that the job ID is 7.

  4. Run the following command to start the job:

    start job -j job ID -s

    For example, if the job ID is 7, run the following command:

    start job -j 7 -s

    Displaying the SUCCEEDED information indicates that the job is started successfully.

    Submission details
    Job ID: 7
    Server URL:
    Created by: admintest
    Creation date: 2019-12-04 16:37:34 CST
    Lastly updated by: admintest
    2019-12-04 16:37:34 CST: BOOTING  - Progress is not available
    2019-12-04 16:37:42 CST: BOOTING  - 0.00 %
    2019-12-04 16:37:42 CST: BOOTING  - 0.00 %
    2019-12-04 16:37:57 CST: RUNNING  - 0.00 %
    2019-12-04 16:38:12 CST: RUNNING  - 45.00 %
    2019-12-04 16:38:12 CST: RUNNING  - 45.00 %
    2019-12-04 16:38:27 CST: SUCCEEDED

Example for the Batch Mode

  1. Log in to the node where the Loader client is installed as the user who installs the client.
  2. Run the following command to go to the conf directory of the sqoop-shell tool. For example, if the Loader client installation directory is /opt/hadoopclient/Loader, run the following command:

    cd /opt/hadoopclient/Loader/loader-tools-1.99.3/sqoop-shell/conf

  3. Run the following command to configure authentication information:

    # simple or kerberos 
    # true or false 
    client.principal=hdfs/hadoop.@<system domain name>@<system domain name>
    # keytab file 
    Table 2 Configuration parameters

    Configuration parameters


    Example Value


    Floating IP address and port (21351) for Loader.

    For compatibility, multiple IP addresses and ports can be configured and need to be separated by commas (,). The first IP address and port must be those of Loader (21351). The others can be configured based on service requirements.


    Login authentication mode.

    • kerberos indicates that the security mode is used and Kerberos authentication is performed. Kerberos authentication provides two authentication modes: the password mode and the keytab file mode.
    • simple indicates that the normal mode is used and Kerberos authentication is not performed.



    User for login when the normal mode or password authentication is used.

    In the keytab login mode, this parameter does not need to be set.



    User password for login when the password authentication mode is used.

    In the normal mode or keytab login mode, this parameter does not need to be set.

    The password needs to be encrypted. The encryption method is described as follows:

    1. Go to the directory where encrypt_tool is located. For example, if the Loader client installation directory is /opt/hadoopclient/Loader, run the following command:

      cd /opt/hadoopclient/Loader/loader-tools-1.99.3

    2. Run the following command to encrypt the non-encrypted password:

      ./encrypt_tool Unencrypted password

      The obtained encrypted password is used as the value of authentication.password.


      If a non-encrypted password contains special characters, the special characters must be escaped. For example, the dollar sign ($) is a special character and can be escaped using single quotation marks ('), for example, '1q2w#e$r'. If a non-encrypted password contains single quotation marks, use double quotation marks to escape the single quotation marks. If a non-encrypted password contains double quotation marks, use backslashes (\) to escape the double quotation marks. For details, see the shell escape character rules.



    Whether to use the keytab mode to log in.

    • true indicates using the keytab file to log in.
    • false indicates using the password to log in.



    User principal for accessing the Loader service when the keytab authentication mode is used.

    In the normal mode or password login mode, this parameter does not need to be set.



    Directory where the used keytab file is located when the keytab authentication mode is used.

    In the normal mode or password login mode, this parameter does not need to be set.


  4. Run the following command to go to the directory where the sqoop2-shell script is located and create a text file in the directory, such as

    cd /opt/hadoopclient/Loader/loader-tools-1.99.3/sqoop-shell


    An example of is displayed as follows:

    View parameters
    create connection -c 4 --help
    // Create a connector
    create connection -c 4 -name oracle-connection --connector-connection-oracleServerIp --connector-connection-oracleServerPort 22 --connector-connection-oracleUser root --connector-connection-oraclePassword xxxxx
    Create a job
    create job -t import -x 3 --connector-file-inputPath /opt/tempfile --connector-file-fileFilter * --framework-output-outputDirectory /user/loader/1 --framework-output-storageType HBase --framework-throttling-extractorSize 120 --framework-output-fileType TEXT_FILE --connector-file-splitType FILE -name test
    Start a job
    start job -j 7 -s

    xxxxx is the password for the connector.

  5. Run the following command and the sqoop-shell tool will run the preceding commands in sequence:


    The commands above authenticate login by reading configuration files. Alternatively, you can attach the authentication information to the command, that is, use the password mode or Kerberos mode to authenticate login.

    Run the following command to authenticate login using the password mode:

    ./sqoop2-shell -uk false -u username -p encryptedPassword

    Run the following command to authenticate login using the Kerberos mode:

    ./sqoop2-shell -uk true -k user.keytab -s userPrincipal

    Displaying the SUCCEEDED information indicates that the job is started successfully.

    Welcome to sqoop client
    Use the username and password authentication mode
    Authentication success.
    sqoop:000> create connection -c 4 --help
    usage: Show connection viparameters:
        --connector-connection-oraclePassword <arg>
        --connector-connection-oracleServerIp <arg>
        --connector-connection-oracleServerPort <arg>
        --connector-connection-oracleUser <arg>
        --framework-security-maxConnections <arg>
        --name <arg>
    ===> FINE
    sqoop:000> create connection -c 4 -name oracle-connection --connector-connection-oracleServerIp --connector-connection-oracleServerPort 22 --connector-connection-oracleUser root --connector-connection-oraclePassword xxxxx
    Creating connection for connector with id 4
    New connection was successfully created with validation status FINE and persistent id 3
    ===> FINE
    sqoop:000> create job -t import -x 3 --connector-file-inputPath /opt/tempfile --connector-file-fileFilter * --framework-output-outputDirectory /user/loader/1 --framework-output-storageType HDFS --framework-throttling-extractorSize 120 --framework-output-fileType TEXT_FILE --connector-file-splitType FILE -name test
    Creating job for connection with id 3
    New job was successfully created with validation status FINE  and persistent id 7
    ===> FINE
    Submission details
    Job ID: 7
    Server URL:
    Created by: admintest
    Creation date: 2019-12-04 16:37:34 CST
    Lastly updated by: admintest
    2019-12-04 16:37:34 CST: BOOTING  - Progress is not available
    2019-12-04 16:37:42 CST: BOOTING  - 0.00 %
    2019-12-04 16:37:42 CST: BOOTING  - 0.00 %
    2019-12-04 16:37:57 CST: RUNNING  - 0.00 %
    2019-12-04 16:38:12 CST: RUNNING  - 45.00 %
    2019-12-04 16:38:12 CST: RUNNING  - 45.00 %
    2019-12-04 16:38:27 CST: SUCCEEDED

  6. In the batch mode, the -c parameter can be used to attach a command. sqoop-shell can execute only the attached command at a time.

    Run the following command to create a connection:

    ./sqoop2-shell -c "create connection -c 4 -name oracle-connection --connector-connection-oracleServerIp --connector-connection-oracleServerPort 22 --connector-connection-oracleUser root --connector-connection-oraclePassword xxxxx"

    You can also use the password mode or Kerberos mode to attach the authentication information to the command.

    Run the following command to authenticate login using the password mode:

    ./sqoop2-shell -uk false -u username -p encryptedPassword -c "create connection -c 4 -name oracle-connection --connector-connection-oracleerverIp --connector-connection-oracleServerPort 22 --connector-connection-oracleUser root --connector-connection-oraclePassword xxxxx"

    Run the following command to authenticate login using the Kerberos mode:

    ./sqoop2-shell -uk true -k user.keytab -s userPrincipal -c "create connection -c 4 -name oracle-connection --connector-connection-oracleServerIp --connector-connection-oracleServerPort 22 --connector-connection-oracleUser root --connector-connection-oraclePassword xxxxx"

    Displaying the FINE information indicates the connection is created successfully.

    Welcome to sqoop client
    Use the username and password authentication mode
    Authentication success.
    sqoop:000> create connection -c 4 -name oracle-connection --connector-connection-oracleServerIp --connector-connection-oracleServerPort 22 --connector-connection-oracleUser root --connector-connection-oraclePassword xxxxx
    Creating connection for connector with id 4
    New connection was successfully created with validation status FINE and persistent id 3
    ===> FINE

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