Updated on 2022-03-04 GMT+08:00


Enterprises store core data in the SAP system. The cloud platform security and the network configuration ensure the security of the SAP system.

For details, see SAP Security White Paper.

Cloud Platform Security

  • Infrastructure security

    Huawei develops physical environments, networks, platforms, and data based on security compliance standards to ensure HUAWEI CLOUD infrastructure security.

  • O&M security

    HUAWEI CLOUD provides one-stop pre-integrated services that integrate multiple devices, allowing for hundreds of millions of connections and O&M-free service provision.

  • Security compliance

    HUAWEI CLOUD provides customers with cloud services that comply with security and compliance requirements both in and outside China. HUAWEI CLOUD and its cloud services have been certified by multiple authorities.

Network Configuration

  • Security group

    A security group implements access control for ECSs within a security group or in different security groups, enhancing ECS security. You can define different access control rules for a security group, and these rules take effect for all ECSs added to this security group. By default, a security group allows all outgoing data packets. ECSs in the same security group can access each other without the need to add access rules.

  • Access control

    You can set up multi-dimensional access protection through access control to properly restrict access to sensitive data. This is especially necessary for enterprises.

  • Firewall

    You can use a firewall to strengthen your network security and configure all security software (such as password, encryption, identity authentication, and audit) on the firewall to ensure your network security.