Updated on 2023-08-31 GMT+08:00

Checking the Commissioning Result


After a MapReduce application is run, you can check the running result through one of the following methods:

  • Check the running status of the application in IntelliJ IDEA.
  • Viewing MapReduce logs
  • Logging in to the MapReduce web UI
  • Logging in to the Yarn web UI

Contact the administrator to obtain a service account that has the right to access the web UI and its password.


  • Viewing running results to learn application running status

    View the application running status in the command output on the console.

    1848 [main] INFO  org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation  - Login successful for user admin@<system domain name> using keytab file 
    Login success!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    7093 [main] INFO  org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.PeerCache  - SocketCache disabled.
    9614 [main] INFO  org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSClient  - Created HDFS_DELEGATION_TOKEN token 45 for admin on ha-hdfs:hacluster
    9709 [main] INFO  org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.security.TokenCache  - Got dt for hdfs://hacluster; Kind: HDFS_DELEGATION_TOKEN,
    Service: ha-hdfs:hacluster, Ident: 
    (HDFS_DELEGATION_TOKEN token 45 for admin)
    10914 [main] INFO  org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.ConfiguredRMFailoverProxyProvider  - Failing over to 53
    12136 [main] INFO  org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat  - Total input files to process : 2
    12731 [main] INFO  org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobSubmitter  - number of splits:2
    13405 [main] INFO  org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobSubmitter  - Submitting tokens for job: job_1456738266914_0006
    13405 [main] INFO  org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobSubmitter  - Kind: HDFS_DELEGATION_TOKEN, Service: ha-hdfs:hacluster, 
    Ident: (HDFS_DELEGATION_TOKEN token 45 for admin)
    16019 [main] INFO  org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.impl.YarnClientImpl  - Application submission is not finished, 
    submitted application application_1456738266914_0006 is still in NEW
    16975 [main] INFO  org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.impl.YarnClientImpl  - Submitted application application_1456738266914_0006
    17069 [main] INFO  org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job  - The url to track the job: 
    17086 [main] INFO  org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job  - Running job: job_1456738266914_0006
    29811 [main] INFO  org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job  - Job job_1456738266914_0006 running in uber mode : false
    29811 [main] INFO  org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job  -  map 0% reduce 0%
    41492 [main] INFO  org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job  -  map 100% reduce 0%
    53161 [main] INFO  org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job  -  map 100% reduce 100%
    53265 [main] INFO  org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job  - Job job_1456738266914_0006 completed successfully
    53393 [main] INFO  org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job  - Counters: 50

    The following exception may occur when the sample code is running in the Windows OS, but it will not affect services.

    java.io.IOException: Could not locate executable null\bin\winutils.exe in the Hadoop binaries.

  • Viewing application running status by using the MapReduce web UI

    Log in to FusionInsight Manager as a user who has the permission to view tasks. Choose Cluster > Service > Mapreduce > JobHistoryServer to go to the web page and view the task execution status.

    Figure 1 JobHistory web UI
  • Viewing job execution status by using Yarn web UI
    Log in to FusionInsight Manager as a user who has the permission to view tasks. Choose Cluster > Service > Yarn > ResourceManager(Active) to go to the web page and view the task execution status.
    Figure 2 ResourceManager web UI
  • Viewing MapReduce Logs to Obtain the Application Running Status

    View MapReduce logs to learn application running status, and adjust applications based on log information.