Updated on 2023-08-31 GMT+08:00


Hive components support JDBC, HCatalog, Python, and Python 3 interfaces for application development.

Preparing a JDBC/HCatalog Development Environment

Table 1 JDBC/HCatalog development environment



Operating System (OS)

  • Development environment: Windows 7 or later
  • Running environment: Windows or Linux

    If the program needs local debugging, the running environment must be able to communicate with the cluster service plane.


Basic configurations for the development and running environments. The version requirements are as follows:

If you are using the MRS server and client, only built-in OpenJDK 1.8.0_272 is supported. Other JDKs are not allowed.

If the JAR packages of the SDK classes that need to be referenced by the customer applications run in the application process, the JDK requirements are as follows:

  • x86 client: Oracle JDK 1.8; IBM JDK
  • TaiShan client: OpenJDK 1.8.0_272

For security purposes, the server supports only TLS V1.2 or later.

However, IBM JDK supports only TLS V1.0 by default. If you are using an IBM JDK, set com.ibm.jsse2.overrideDefaultTLS to true to support TLS V1.0, V1.1, and V1.2. For details, see https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/sdk-java-technology/8?topic=customization-matching-behavior-sslcontextgetinstancetls-oracle#matchsslcontext_tls.

IntelliJ IDEA

Tool used to develop Hive applications. The version requirements are as follows:

JDK 1.8 is required. IntelliJ IDEA 2019.1 or other compatible versions are required.

  • If you are using an IBM JDK, ensure that the JDK configured in IntelliJ IDEA is the IBM JDK.
  • If you are using an Oracle JDK, ensure that the JDK configured in IntelliJ IDEA is the Oracle JDK.
  • If you are using an OpenJDK, ensure that the JDK configured in IntelliJ IDEA is the OpenJDK.


Basic configuration of the development environment. This tool is used for project management throughout the lifecycle of software development.

Huawei provides an open-source mirror site, Huawei Mirrors. You can download the supportive JAR packages of the sample projects from this site. You can download the rest open-source JAR packages from the Maven central repository or other user-defined repositories. For details, see Configuring Huawei Open-Source Mirrors.


A tool used to decompress *.zip and *.rar packages. 7-zip 16.04 is supported.

Preparing the Python Development Environment

Table 2 Python development environment




Development and operating environment: Linux OS


Tool used to develop Hive applications. The version must range from 2.6.6 to 2.7.13.


Basic configurations of the Python development environment. The version must be later than 5.0.

For details about how to install and configure the Python development tool, see Configuring the Python Sample Project.

Preparing the Python 3 Development Environment

Table 3 Python 3 development environment




Development and operating environment: Linux OS

Python 3

Tool used to develop Hive applications. The version must range from 3.6 to 3.8.


Basic configurations of the Python 3 development environment. The version must be 47.3.1.

For details about how to install and configure the Python 3 development tool, see Configuring the Python3 Sample Project.