Updated on 2022-09-01 GMT+08:00


  • Development tool versions:
    • IntelliJ IDEA: 2018.3.5 or later
    • Eclipse: 3.6.0 or later
  • Development language versions:

    Java: Java Development Kit 1.8.111 or later

  • Device development requirements:
    • When MQTT devices are used for access, only QoS0 and QoS1 in MQTT are supported.
    • To prevent device disconnection due to network instability or instance upgrade, you are advised to add an automatic reconnection mechanism during device development. If the device demo provided by ROMA Connect is used, the reconnection mechanism is enabled by default. If the open-source MQTT client is used, you need to configure the reconnection mechanism based on the open-source code. If the connection is lost after the automatic reconnection function is enabled, the client keeps automatically reconnecting to the server until the connection is successful.