Updated on 2022-09-01 GMT+08:00

Before You Start

  • When the IoT platform functions as the message subscriber, it has subscribed to related topics by default. The IoT platform can receive messages sent by devices to the corresponding topics.
  • When a device functions as a message subscriber, the device needs to subscribe to related topics first so that the device can receive messages sent by the IoT platform to the corresponding topics. The device determines the topics to be subscribed to based on the specific business requirements.


Supported Protocol






Edge device

IoT platform

The edge device adds a subdevice.


IoT platform

Edge device

The IoT platform returns a response for adding a subdevice.


Edge device

IoT platform

The edge device updates the subdevice status.


IoT platform

Edge device

The IoT platform returns a response for updating the subdevice status.


IoT platform

Edge device

The IoT platform deletes a subdevice.


Edge device

IoT platform

The edge device queries gateway information.


IoT platform

Edge device

The IoT platform returns a response for querying gateway information.


IoT platform

Edge device

The IoT platform delivers a command to a device or an edge device.


Edge device

IoT platform

The edge device returns a command response to the IoT platform.


Edge device

IoT platform

The edge device reports data.

In the preceding table, {gatewayId} indicates the device ID. Specifications of previous sites are inherited by delete, while specifications are not provided for deleteResponse now.