Updated on 2022-09-01 GMT+08:00





This class is used to produce RabbitMQ messages. If no exception occurs during message sending, messages are sent successfully. If an exception occurs during message sending, messages fail to be sent.


  • Use the direct switch to generate messages and route the messages to the queue in which the bindingKey and routingKey are fully matched.
    function execute(data) {
        var connectionConfig = new ConnectionConfig("", 5672, "admin", "123456");
        var queueConfig = new QueueConfig("directQueue", false, false, false, null);
        var exchangeConfig = new ExchangeConfig("directExchange", "direct", true, false, false, null);
        var config = new RabbitMqConfig(connectionConfig, queueConfig, exchangeConfig);
        var producer = new RabbitMqProducer(config);
        producer.produceWithDirectExchange("direct.exchange", "PERSISTENT_TEXT_PLAIN", "direct exchange message");
        return "produce successful.";
  • Use the topic switch to generate messages and route the messages to the queue in which the bindingKey and routingKey are matched in fuzzy mode.
    function execute(data) {
        var connectionConfig = new ConnectionConfig("", 5672, "admin", "123456");
        var queueConfig = new QueueConfig ("topicQueue", false, false, false, null);
        var exchangeConfig = new ExchangeConfig("topicExchange", "topic", true, false, false, null);
        var config = new RabbitMqConfig(connectionConfig, queueConfig, exchangeConfig);
        var producer = new RabbitMqProducer(config);
       producer.produceWithTopicExchange("topic.#", "topic.A", null, "message");
        return "produce successful.";
  • Use the fanout switch to generate messages and route all messages sent to the exchange to all the queues bound to it.
    function execute(data) {
        var connectionConfig = new ConnectionConfig("", 5672, "admin", "123456");
        var queueConfig = new QueueConfig ("fanoutQueue", false, false, false, null);
        var exchangeConfig = new ExchangeConfig ("fanoutExchange", "fanout", true, false, null)
        var config = new RabbitMqConfig(connectionConfig, queueConfig, exchangeConfig);
        var producer = new RabbitMqProducer(config);
        producer.produceWithFanoutExchange(null, "message")
        return "produce successfull"

Constructor Details

public RabbitMqProducer(RabbitMqConfig rabbitMqConfig)

Constructs a RabbitMQ message producer.

Parameter: rabbitMqConfig indicates configuration information of RabbitMQ.

Method List

Returned Type

Method and Description


produceWithDirectExchange(String routingKey, String props, String message)

Use the direct switch to generate messages and route the messages to the queue in which the bindingKey and routingKey are fully matched.


produceWithTopicExchange(String bindingKey, String routingKey, String props, String message)

Use the topic switch to generate messages and route the messages to the queue in which the bindingKey and routingKey are matched in fuzzy mode.


produceWithFanoutExchange(String props, String message)

Use the fanout switch to generate messages and route all messages sent to the exchange to all the queues bound to it.

Method Details

  • public void produceWithDirectExchange(String routingKey, String props, String message)

    Use the direct switch to generate messages and route the messages to the queue in which the bindingKey and routingKey are fully matched.

    Input Parameters

    • routingKey indicates the message routing key.
    • props indicates the message persistency setting, which is optional.
    • message indicates the message content.
  • public void produceWithTopicExchange(String bindingKey, String routingKey, String props, String message)

    Use the topic switch to generate messages and route the messages to the queue in which the bindingKey and routingKey are matched in fuzzy mode.

    Input Parameters

    • bindingKey indicates the queue binding key.
    • routingKey indicates the message routing key.
    • props indicates the message persistency setting, which is optional.
    • message indicates the message content.
  • produceWithFanoutExchange(String props, String message)

    Use the fanout switch to generate messages and route all messages sent to the exchange to all the queues bound to it.

    Input Parameters

    • props indicates the message persistency setting, which is optional.
    • message indicates the message content.